I recently
experienced a trimming of people in my life.
It happens to the most of us throughout life. As we grow older we change and with that
change the people in your life can change.
It does not cause me too much turmoil but it does bring some thoughts
up. My greatest question regarding this
type of situation is how do people identify when it is time to let friendships
go? How have I changed in regards to how I am a friend to others? These questions are not easily answered but
what I do know is it takes a lot for a person like me to decide to trim or
“cut” a person from my life. It is
especially difficult when it wasn’t necessarily my choice.
I think
about how I want my future to look. How
I want to teach my future children about friendship. You can’t continuously try to maintain a
friendship if you are the only person trying.
For a person like me who grew up with one sibling and a whole lot of
extended family finding friends was never difficult. I still have amazing relationships with a
handful of childhood friends and even greater relationships with a group of
girls from high school so I am not bitter for the ones I have lost but I am
saddened. There comes a time when you
have to let the other person involved decide how they want the friendship to
turn out. I mean these people were not
simple acquaintances, they were close friends but I am only human and I am very
vocal in my thoughts and feelings and sometimes others cannot handle the truth.
Do I miss
specific individuals? Absolutely! Do I feel they care that there is no longer a
friendship? No I do not. How has this
affected my life? In great ways but I have learned not to dwell on what’s
missing. Instead I have my memories of the time we did share. This in a sense has helped me grow into a
better person and a better friend. I
decided long ago that people are meant to cross paths because they are supposed
to teach you something. I have a friend
who has taught me to forgive as well as a friend who has taught me to
fight. I have a friend who teaches me
all the time that I cannot do everything for everyone all the time. Without these individuals I would not be the
person I am today. I feel I trimmed
specific individuals from my life because they were not teaching me anything
positive. I was becoming angry and
frustrated and it would make me be negative on my outlook and that is not the
type of person I am.
I try with
all of my might to be there for the people around me when they need me and I’ve
come to learn that those individuals who are meant to be a part of my life are
those who are willing to be there for me as well. I do not need a hundred friends I only need
those individuals around me who truly love me for who I am. I need individuals who participate in my life
and not just call me when they are having their own drama. People can be toxic and I am so glad for the
choices I have made because I feel those choices have brought me to a place
where I can see a bright future and it has made me a goal oriented person who
strives for greatness.

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